Jim Peerless, builder of the Glen-L inboard Barrelback 19, put together 3 videos documenting the building and launching of his boat. Jim resides in Canada and purchased his plans and fastenings as well as all of the underwater hardware and some deck hardware for his boat from Glen-L. He did a beautiful job building his boat and we are proud to feature his Vlog–enjoy!

About the author
Gayle Brantuk
Glen-L marine designs has been serving the amateur boat builder since 1953 and the business resides in beautiful San Clemente, California. My name is Gayle Brantuk and I'm the daughter of Glen L. Witt and run our family business.
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One Response to Barrelback by Jim Peerless Video Log
What a thrill! Nothing better than the reward of enjoying your own handiwork. Until you build something like this you cannot fathom (no pun intended) the joy that building and floating your own boat brings. It’s the culmination of every master craftsman:….carpenter, cabinet maker, mechanic, plumber, electrician, painter……a testimony to your talents. Nice work Jim, Bravo! Happy sailing!