I have looked forward to sending you pictures since I received my frame kit for the Tuffy in 2002. (editor’s note: frame kits are no longer available.)

My boat was launched for the first time on December 26th, 2019, on Lake Auman in Seven Lakes, NC. (We live on the lake.) There were zero leaks!
My son-in-law Dirk Carroll from Rogers, Arkansas helped me with the final motor installation details as he has a great deal of experience with boats.
My son Benjamin, who helped with the build along with his younger brother Timothy, was with me today when we tested the boat for the second time, at higher speeds.
The motor is a new Tohatsu MFS 50A, four-stroke with a short shaft putting out 50 HP at 6,000 RPM.
I stuck close to the plans and builder guide, but did glass the hull top and bottom with West Systems epoxy and fiberglass as I plan to take the boat to the Outer Banks.
I chose to include the skeg, which I think helped with the very good turning behavior of the boat.
As you can imagine, it is fast. We were showing 21 mph at only 3,000 RPM (50% top speed), my current limit as we break in the new motor.

My wife Ulli, who is a professional portrait artist, chose the color scheme. We wanted to use a classic sports car scheme and she chose the Shelby Cobra. The stripe width and separation between them is identical to the Cobra. It had to be red given the speed we expect. The paint is Interlux Brightside on top of Interlux primer. Lots of wet sanding and the use of a dense sponge roller resulted in a very nice finish. The better wood I left clear and sealed it with multiple coats of Minwax Spar Varnish, wet sanding between coats.
For those who wonder why it took me so long: looked after aging parents, put three children through college, served on the board of a growing network of private schools, started three new businesses, wrote a book on high school Shop & Engineering and ran a large flying club in the Raleigh area. The Tuffy build was therapy and I was in no hurry to complete it. It is done just in time to teach our boys and three grandkids how to boat and ski.
I also sail on our lake and have my eye on several Glen-L sailboat designs. See my web site for what I am doing to improve sailboats, www.aerosouth.net
Your father did a fine job on this design and it is an honor to have built and now operate one of his splendid creations. I hope that it will remain in the Misegades family for many generations.
The best part of a Glen-L boat is building it. It handled cornering very well – once set in the curve it remained there with my hands off the wheel. I’m moving the battery from the stern to the bow to help balance the extra weight of the larger motor. I would have gone with the 40HP but a local marina bought the 50HP short shaft by error and I got a good price on it. New short-shaft motors are hard to find.
I am now looking at your Titan tugboat as something to build for my grandchildren. I will probably power it with an electric trolling motor.
Having grown up building and fixing things, it is easy to assume that all young people do the same. I have come to realize this is not the case, the reason we’re trying to bring shop classes back in America. We also have a good Home Economics curriculum in development and hope to release it next summer. My mother taught home economics in the Venice, Los Angeles area while my father was at sea with the Navy. ( I was born in the UCLA hospital on 11/6/57 and lived in Canoga Park until we moved to the South when I was seven.) A local lady has developed the ‘Rubies’ program for girls that we’ll use, have a look: https://www.rubiesgirlsclubs.com/
Anyone can teach if they are passionate and knowledgeable about their subject. I am an engineer, but it was said that I was a popular teacher for the three years I developed our shop and engineering curriculum. Kids love to make things and will follow those who lead with enthusiasm. There is nothing better than passing the torch and watching a young person grow through their achievements. That is why building a boat from simple materials is such an ideal project for shop classes. I even gave my students plans to build a kayak from PVC tubing and duct tape as a means to kick start their interest in boating. Showing them your great online catalog of designs makes them start to think that perhaps they can also build a Glen-L one day. In fact, a father at the boat ramp the other day told his young son just that, he could build a boat one day too. Many Blessings to you, your family and colleagues in the coming year. Keep up the good work and passion for home built boats!
Be sure and check out Kent’s Tuffy Gallery on our site!