I was still at Berkeley High School in 1961 when I selected the Glen-L Tiny Might plans. I was broke but craved fast boats. I remember reading that the engine transmission weight limit was 300 pounds but I didn’t want to use the recommended Ford flathead V8. Buick and Oldsmobile were both touting a smaller V8 that was 100% cast Aluminum and weighed less than 300 pounds. The difference was that it pumped out about 185 horsepower in stock form.
I wanted to use either the Buick or the Olds but was able to get a really good price on a brand new Olds Cutlass F85 engine. The gorgeous Olds engine arrived at my garage in a very large crate. It seemed really big but I knew it was light weight and quickly decided that the Glen-L would really make a fantastic V-drive drag boat.
I wanted to check the weight distribution, so I took the completed hull to a local marina with the Olds engine strapped in place (See Photo) From that point on I was building a 12 foot V-drive boat.
The boat was tested a few times without a deck and actually sank at Lake Tahoe when a big wave hit the transom. In the summer of 1963, it was finally finished. The hell and fury at 70 mph at sea level and the sound was absolutely amazing.
In 1964 I put cavitation plates on the stern to boost acceleration. It would literally jump out of the water when you hit the throttle. At Tahoe it was unbeatable in the 1/8 mile. The big boys with Blown Hemis easily passed me by in the 1/4 mile. Sadly, I sold it to an Army officer that was on leave from an unknown outpost called Vietnam. I bought a motorcycle and paid some bills with the money. I wish I had kept the boat and taken more photos!

Editor’s Note – A vee-drive in the Tiny Might isn’t detailed or recommended.
One Response to V-Drive Tiny Might
All I can say is, WOW! Reminds me of my first Glen-L boat, the Pee Wee. Sold it to my best friend in high school, that put an old Merc 20 on it…