Project Registry J

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JACK TAR-PW / Bob Warner / Hertfordshire, England / / 2-7-99: Hull complete, righted. 7-13-00: Progress has been slower because of bad weather conditions here in England, that said, the windows are now fully glazed, so we are able to work on the interior when the weather turns, all the decks are teak planked. 7-16-01: Unfortunatly because of lots of rain, preventing me from finishing the paint work, Jack Tar’s launch is delayed until early spring of 2002. That said, she looks great. The solid mahogany side rails and posts are in place, with the addition of 4 inch sisle rope as a fender. Just for your info, my work hour log, building Jack Tar, has almost reached 10.000 Hours, over almost six years, this September. I have enjoyed every single minute. My wife, even now has to drag me away, to stop for lunch. Also I am not a good example, because this is a boat I never would have dreamed to have owned, so I have taken my time through every stage of construction, with the thoughts of, measure three times, cut once. (see Customer Photos also WebLetters 19 and 21)

JACK TAR-PW / Bob Lew / Mersing/Johor/Malaysia / / 5-12-05: Status: four frames up on building form. I bought my boat plans in Oct 2003 and started very slowly from Jan 2004. It was a big decision to start such a project for an absolute beginner. The other challenge I have is that I must travel 125 kilometers and pass through two immigration/custom formality to get to my “backyard” since I live in an apartment in a city country. I did not register earlier due to my slow progress.

JAMES COOK-PW / Noel Grant / Ireland / / 9-20-99: Using western red cedar in four layers, I am at the third layer. 6-25-00: I am on the final layer of planking. Each plank I fit is position is for the last time and it gives me a great deal of satisfaction. 12-15-00: I have finished planking and I am now looking forward to the next stage of the project. 8-27-02: The hull is ready to turn over. 4-10-03: I have turned over the hull and I am working on the interior joinery work. 9-2-04: I have fitted the engine and most of the deck and I am working on the cabin sides although I will not be able to complete this work until I have moved it out of my workshop because of height restrictions. I am trying to get as much of the timber as possible cut and ready for fitting once it is outside. I also have the keel ready to be attached.
5-8-08: The day has finally arrived and my “James Cook” was launched. All went well with the launch on 3rd May 2008 with great support from my family and friends. The boat was well admired by many. I am sending some photos but we have yet to do some proper sea trials, and will send on more information when we have. Thanks to all at Glen-L for all the support over the years. (See Customer Photos)

JAMES COOK-FG / Michael Trusz / / 12-9-99: Construction based on an airex-cored grp hull. I estimate I am 90% finished; installing interior systems: water, plumbing, electrical; exterior completely finished including linear polyurethane paint job, hatches; and a teak-veneer on the deck – (this looks great!) 11-21-02: September 3, 2002: The boat was launched! September 4 – mast raised and standing rigging installed. September 5 -sails and running rigging installed – we then took her out for a short sail. Her traditional appearance – taffrail, bowsprit and teak-veneered decks draw a lot of positive comments. In the conditions in which she has been sailed (to about force 5) – she seems extremely well balanced – a very light hand on the tiller is all that is needed.

JAMES COOK-PW / Hollis Jenkins Jr. / / 7-23-00: Making templates for the frame members.

JAMES COOK-PW / Ken Morrow / / 4-27-01: Getting ready for the inboard. looking for 10hp diesel. Working on the mast step also doing the rigging. 6-6-01: Installing fuel tanks, water tanks 12hp engine, and compression post. This has been a long project but I see light at the end of the tunnel. I just got finnished making the mast step and fitting it (1/4″ steel to be galvinized). 11-21-02: I have been working on the standing rigging, 1/4″ 1×19 ss wire, trying to get the length right. It will be interesting when we step the mast. Instaling the chain plates and deck fittings. Doing some wiring in the wood mast for navigation lights, vhf, tangs and spreaders. 4-9-03: I’m finishing my standing rigging with only a couple more to make up. If everything goes ok I’ll be stepping the mast to make sure all my lengths are correct. That being said I’ll be able to launch in a few months. I’ve got my fingers crossed and hope everything goes allright. Thanks I hope this makes it back to you. Ken

JAMES COOK-PW / Serge Valin / western PA / / 6-13-03: Started 6 months ago. Have installed all frames on building form and lined up with strings and plumb lines. Will now start shaping keel lamination and notches with bevels on frames. 9-19-03: I am now installing the two laminations of the keel on the frames, on the building form. Made successful butt joint and a 10-1 scarf joint on the white oak keel. Epoxy needs practice, but I am up to speed now. Look forward to planing, cutting and scarfing the longitudinals. 11-20-03: I have now installed the port side hull battens after cutting notches 3/8″ deep and will check the alignment before gluing and screwing them on the frames. I used a router and a large plexiglass base plate to cover two battens for the bevel cutting of the frames notches. Lots of work! I also found exterior pw 3/16 luan and tested some samples (boiled and dried twice, ref.Gougeon Bros book).

JET CAT 14′ / Steve Johnson / Ontario, Canada / email address not valid 4-8-03 / 07-09-02: Well, I am finally done the project I started two years ago. It turned out way nicer than I thought it would, and all my expectations were exceeded. My boat, named “CAT III” is comparable to any new boat on the lake. We have set her up for wakeboarding. I am sending along a couple of pictures of her. I’m sure you will be quite pleased what you can do with one of your boats when you put a little imagination into it. (see Customer Photos)

JIMBO-PW / Rick / / 3-9-00: Started the construction of the JIMBO. Have stitched together the hull and am ready to epoxy the chine and keel. Some trouble with the bow but it finally fit good.

JIMBO-PW / Digby W. (Dick) Belcher / / 8-4-00: The bottom and topsides are ready for paint. I never imagined that I would go through as much epoxy (West System) as I have. This is a great design for the waters off Vancouver Island and I can’t wait to launch it and get somes fish scales on the sole. I followed the Glen-L plan exactly and found only 1 error in the plans (which I reported). I will be powering it with a 50 HP Honda 4 stroke. My next step (after painting the bottom) will be to punch a hole in the basement wall to get it out of the house, a minor inconvenience after 6 months of work. 4-10-03: The boat has been finished for 2 years now. It performs very well with a 50 HP Honda 4 stroke. Had a lot of fun building it. Many have emailed me for advise etc which I have been happy to provide.

JIMBO-PW / Brian Klauser / / 1-11-02: I started working on the PW Jimbo 12/30/01. Today we glued the seams, the bare hull is all together, bottom, sides, bow & transom. Tomorrow we should be working on fillets and installing the keel. 2-22-02: Motorwell, decking, and cockpit sole complete. 4-10-03: Email address current.(See Customer Photos)

JIMBO-PW / Albert Keizer / Almere, Netherlands / / 6-5-03: I started building the Jimbo PW in december 2001. Building took a bit longer due to lack of time but now its almost ready to launch. I chose to make the deck and carlings of mahogany/plywood with clearcoat, it looks really classy. My ultimate plan is to put some pictures on a website, but for now my aim is to get it in the water as soon as possible. (see Customer Photos)

JIMBO-PW / Lawrence (Larry) Wilson / Mobile, Alabama / / 9-7-05: I am now shopping for materials. This will be my third Glen-L boat. I built the Sirroco and the John Boat about 20 years ago when I was working in Ecuador. 1-3-07: I have stitched together the hull. I have epoxied the interior joints. I have installed the interior sheers utlilizing mahogany. I am now in the process of fiberglassing the interior seams.
11-9-06: Installed the inner shears.
9-26-07: We sold one of our cars so this freed up garage space for me to transfer to boat to the garage and finish it there. I am now making cradles to set on the platform to support the boat while working on the inside. The platform is 4 feet wide and 12 feet long so there will be a little overhang.
11-2-07: Deck beam and battens are in place as are the partial side deck beams. The Samson post is only temporarily installed at this point to facilitate its proper alignment.
12-24-07: Carlings have been installed. The space between the carling and the inner sheer has been filled with scrap 1-inch wood to facilitate later installations of step pads, rod holders, cleats, etc. without having to back them up with wood blocking later. It is just easier to do it now. Notice that I have started some of the painting. I am painting those parts that would be difficult after construction is finished.
1-9-08: Just installed the knee.
1-10-08: I have just installed the longitudinal uprights.
4-15-08: My 7-yr. old daughter is helping to cut and sand part of the motorwell.
(see Customer Photos)

JIMBO-ALUM / Brian Burton / / 3-12-01: Started construction on the Jimbo Aluminum on March 12, 2001 with my class of 8 students enrolled in a Welding Assembly course, purchased 5′ x 16′ aluminum sheets in order to eliminate as many seams as possible to ensure structural integrity. Day 1 we cut out the bottom in one piece instead of two seperate halves, removing the wedge piece at the bow from “0” to “4”. We are planning to score the outside part of the bottom half the tickness in order to form the bottom “V” with ease and then weld the groove to fill it up flush. Sides, Transom, and Bow were also cut, all the cuts were made with a skill saw fitted with a fine toothed blade and then deburred with files.Continue (see Customer Photos)

JIMBO-PW / Spencer Howe / Cape Elizabeth, Maine / / 11-4-05: Started in mid-September, all seams are fiberglassed. Moving right along! I’m hopping to have the hull flipped before Christmas.

JOLLY ROGER-PW / Jason Lennox / email address not valid 4-8-03 / 2-29-00: Inherited a 28′ Jolly Roger with a 4 cyl. diesel. Starting to finish constuction and repair of cabin. Its a great boat, very reliable and cheap to run. Appreciate any correspondence. 8-6-00: Tear down has included all cabin, decking and a 4X6 section of hull do to water damage. Just created first piece to go back together. Year or two of work now. Thanks for the inheritance dad!

JOLLY ROGER-PW / Martin Pedel / UK / / 9-25-05: Jolly Roger in progress. Frames cut, Stem cut.

JOLLY ROGER-PW / Don Hancock / Dunn, North Carolina / / 10-11-06: I purchased study plans for the Jolly Rodger mid summer of 2006 and decided to proceed with the project. I purchased the construction plans with full size patterns in September of 2006. I am currently setting up my frame assembly board using 3 sheets of 1/2 BC exterior plywood. I want to lay out the frames on the assembly board using the full size patterns before I start cutting frame, stem, and transom parts to better visualize the size and shapes of these structural members before cutting. I plan to build the frames, stem, and transom this winter to have them ready for erection on a building form in the spring of 2007. 1-16-07: Completed the transom, frames, and stem on January 7, 2007… ahead of schedule. Completed the building form on January 14, 2007. My next task is to construct a temporary shelter to I can start assembling the frames on the building form.

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