Subject: Project Registry Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1999 From: Teodoro M. Panganiban ROUSTABOUT/ Teddy Panganiban/ Quezon City,Philippines/ 12-5-1999: Finally went on sea trial today at Taal Volcano lake about 80 kilometers south of Quezon City. Rains and high humidity delayed the painting of the the boat. I used a two part polyurethane white paint and clear top coat which is picky with the weather. The trailer (assembled from a Glen-L plan) worked fine although I did not drive my minivan beyond 80 kilometers per hour. The boat reached speeds of 63 kilometers per hour (@5000 rpm) for a few seconds since I am still breaking-in the Evinrude 115. I used a Magellan 2000 XL GPS to measure the speed. I am using a 14\" x 19 pitch prop. I also tried a 14\" x 17 pitch but there was slight over-revving. The lake was choppy all day with about two foot waves. The deep V hull did its job cutting through the white caps but it felt like riding a galloping horse at the helm. Will officially pop the champagne this coming weekend and send you the pictures.
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Roustabout by Barry Dillon, Dublin, Ireland November 4, 2008 I built Roustabout over the winters of 1994-1998. These pictures show the engine bearers fitted on frame attached to floor. Boat frames and keel then secured to engine bearers (horizontal beams).
10 Photos