
Gentry Gentleman’s Runabout by Neel Thompson

On March 15, 2013, in Cold Molded Construction, Inboard Powered, News From Gayle, Videos, by Gayle Brantuk

Neel Thompson has been at the Glen-L Boatbuilder Gathering in Tennessee the past couple of years and this time, brought his almost-finished Gentry. Neel’s boat is truly a work of craftsmanship even at this point in the construction. He added a couple of unique features. First, he changed the deck so that’s it’s all on […]

Modified Harbormaster Build a Success

On November 12, 2012, in Builder Blogs, Strip Planked Construction, by Cliff

HARBORMASTER My objective was to create a boat ideal for cruising in protected waters on a sunny Sunday afternoon, reminiscent of the Thames River launches of the early 1900’s. I wanted an efficient displacement hull with round bilge and tumblehome topsides aft, resulting in the look of a traditional power launch. In April, 2008 I […]

G6 was G-Great!

On September 21, 2012, in News From Gayle, Videos, by Gayle Brantuk

I know it’s a hokey title, but what can I say? Once again, the Gathering of Boatbuilders was a wonderful and exciting time! September 7-9 about 100 boat builders, hope-to-soon-be-boatbuilders, thinking-about-building-a-boat people and curious-onlooker-folk came to enjoy some beautiful boats and great conversation. We had about 24 boats that were hand built with love by […]

Tahoe 23 Builder Video Tribute

On August 3, 2012, in Cold Molded Construction, Inboard Powered, News From Gayle, Videos, by Gayle Brantuk

Gerald Hurst sent me the video below and I just had to share it with our readers. The video was made for him for his birthday to celebrate the completion and christening of his Tahoe 23. Some details on his build are below. This is really a beautiful and touching video–enjoy…   Gerald’s build specs: […]

Why Are Boats Named After Women?

On December 9, 2011, in Glen-L Styles, WebLetters, by John B

For centuries, mankind has braved the ocean in an effort to explore the wide-open spaces of the world. Boating is now more of a pastime than a necessity, although many of the old nautical traditions still exist. One of the most enduring traditions of the sea is the concept of naming a vessel. Boats are historically named […]