
About Sheet Plywood

On July 13, 2012, in Designer Articles, Plywood Construction, by Glen L. Witt

Plywood is wonderful stuff. It’s lightweight, stiff, strong and readily available in most areas. However, it is limited as to the shape it can be formed. Sheet plywood requires a developable surface or it won’t bend in place. The designer uses a method often referred to as “conendric” development. This uses a segment of a cone […]

Tips for Fairing Frames on Hard Chine

On December 28, 2011, in Glen-L Styles, by Klaus Silbernagl

I planed the frames of my first boat straight as rafters and was surprised that the planks did not fit. Now I wanted to make it better for my new boat. I found a working method to implement the properties of a developable surface consistently and documented this with the clip Fairing Frames without Trouble So you […]