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Using the Versatile Block Plane



Edges are simple to shape with the block plane.
For chamfers less than 1/8″ you can usually eyeball
the cut as you move the plane along the edge of the
board.  For wider chamfers, first draw a layout line
on the workpiece as a guide.

Flush Trimming

There are several ways to trim hardwood edging on plywood,
but a block plane can be one of the quickest. As you trim, just
skew the plane toward the edge of the panel. This way,  you’ll
minimize the risk of gouging the face of the plywood. Then
just make several passes along the edging.

End Grain Trimming

It’s a good idea to purposely cut dovetails or box joint fingers
a little long so you can trim them perfectly flush after assembly.
Just make light passes across the ends of the fingers until the
joints are flush. Be sure to cut into your workpiece (not away)
to prevent splitting the edges.


Cleaning up an edge with a block plane is a lot faster
and more efficient than getting out sandpaper. You
can remove saw marks, burn marks, and mill marks
with just a few passes, as shown in the left photo.


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