
Dan Hennis
I started repairing fiberglass pontoon pedal boats at 13, in Japan. I bought my first set of Glen-L plans on 27 Oct, 1969 when I was 14 years old. I then deviated from good plans (once only), and bought a pram design from Popular Mechanics. I then built the Pee Wee in the middle of the School year of 1971-72. I launched it that Summer. I continued to expand my knowledge base with boats, dunebuggies, motorcycles, and even traded a freshly rebuilt Pinto for a Piper Tri-Pacer that needed new wing coverings when I was 17. I went on to Autobody school at the local Junior college getting an Associates Degree. Served my country in the Airforce, and earned my private Pilot's license through off-duty training. More school classes, and became an independant contractor for the Idaho Dept of Energy and became the first person in Idaho's history to have a private working wind farm that produced 100% of the home's needs for electricity. I built an ultralight airpark, in the SW Idaho desert near Boise, and at one point was dubbed a "millionaire". Sold or traded it all away for a little farm in the Ozarks to pursue boatbuilding, sales, and amateur design and efficiency improvements.