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Zip Builder Honors Mom With His Boat

On April 20, 2012, in News From Gayle, Videos, by Gayle Brantuk


Rick brought his beautiful Zip to the Gathering of Boatbuilders in Tennessee last year. His boat has so many beautiful features that I knew we had to get a video of it.

Rick has a CNC machine and did a lot of inlay work and custom wood parts that are really beautiful. I was impressed with his windshield brackets and his step plates that are made of curly maple.

This is a fine example of a unique boat, customized exactly as the builder wanted. Imagine what you’d have to pay to have something like this built for you. Rick did it himself for a fraction of what it would cost to have custom-made. And the best part of all, HE built it himself. You should have seen all the people looking at his boat and ohhhing and ahhhing over it.

Talk about pride of craftsmanship–Rick has much to be proud of! For details on the Zip, see the Glen-L website here.


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3 Responses to Zip Builder Honors Mom With His Boat

  1. raymacke says:

    The photos and video of Rick’s boat are great but seeing it in person makes you realize how truly remarkable it is. If it was the only boat at G5 it would have been worth the trip just to see it! But combined with all the others made for a truly memorable experience. Thanks Rick!

  2. charlie says:

    Who could do this quality of woodwork without lots of time and patience, to say nothing of the finish. Can this kit be modified for an in/outboard?

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