Planing boats can have a condition where the boat “bounces” in the planing attitude and will longitudinally teeter totter back and forth. In severe cases the boat can leap clear of the water. In either case, the ride is rough and uncomfortable. A small amount of porpoise is desirable in faster boats as they shouldn’t […]
Icing isn’t necessary on a cake, but it sure makes it look and taste even better. An attractive wooden deck on a boat is similar. It doesn’t change the basic boat, but does enhance the appearance; often many times over. Now let’s understand that we have nothing against the fisherman, hunter, or workboat operator who […]
A chine in a boat is the backing member of the side and bottom planking and is typical on a hard chine hull, meaning an abrupt angle change from bottom to side, not a radius or round shape. In other words, the chine is the usual longitudinal backing typical on vee bottom boats. The backing […]
I recently received a question from a gentleman who built our Glen-L Tiny Titan 8-foot hydroplane. He was experiencing what he thought was too much spray coming over the sides, and therefore decided to modify the design of Tiny Titan by adding strips of 1 ½-inch wide aluminum along the outside bottoms of both sponsons. […]
Or “Tie that rope to the middle cleat on the other side of the boat.” Nautical speak can be a strange yet oddly wonderful way to communicate. Have you ever wondered why long-time boaters don’t speak in a language that landlubbers can easily decipher? No one really knows why they do, but they continue […]