Outboard Powered

Malahini Boat Build By Elio Ascenzo- Stage 6

On August 27, 2019, in Builder Blogs, Glen-L Styles, Outboard Powered, Plywood Construction, by Elio Ascenzo

In this stage of building the Glen-L Malahini, I focused on the hardware, trailer set up, sign writing and registration for the boat. I also decided to add carpet to the floor.

Malahini Boat Build By Elio Ascenzo- Stage 5

On August 22, 2019, in Builder Blogs, Outboard Powered, Plywood Construction, by Elio Ascenzo

During this stage of building the Glen-L Malahini, I sanded the timber back, applied 4 coats of epoxy and then applied paint and clear finish. I decided to go for a blue stripe in the middle of the boat, blue and white on the sides and a natural timber finish elsewhere.

Malahini Boat Build By Elio Ascenzo- Stage 4

On August 20, 2019, in Outboard Powered, Plywood Construction, by Elio Ascenzo

In the fourth stage of building the Glen-L Malahini, the boat was flipped and all the framework for the internal parts of the boat were made. The seats were made out of Kauri and Mahogany veneer. I made the decking out of 12mm solid Sapelli Mahogany, with a slight V-groove at the joins.

Malahini Boat Build By Elio Ascenzo- Stage 3

On August 15, 2019, in Builder Blogs, Outboard Powered, Plywood Construction, by Elio Ascenzo

In the third stage of the Glen-L Malahini build, I added fibre glass cloth to the base of the boat and also to the sides where the joints were. I then moved on to paint the bottom of the boat and wanted to leave a natural Mahogany finish on the sides. The whole boat is […]

Malahini Boat Build By Elio Ascenzo- Stage 2

On August 13, 2019, in Builder Blogs, Outboard Powered, Plywood Construction, by Elio Ascenzo

For the second stage of the Glen-L Malahini build, I chose to use a Sapelli Mahogany marine ply veneer. As the sheets weren’t long enough, I had to put two joins in the boat, as seen in the images.