Glen-L Styles

Super Spartan Build by Roberta Part 3

On December 9, 2011, in Glen-L Styles, by Gayle Brantuk

To read the previous posts in this series, click the links below: Part 1 Part 2 Wednesday, November 23, 2011 I completed fitting up the frames into the chine/bottom assembly and have been sanding and gluing them in this week. I leveled out the bottom and did frame 1 and 3 yesterday. Today I did frame […]

Why Are Boats Named After Women?

On December 9, 2011, in Glen-L Styles, WebLetters, by John B

For centuries, mankind has braved the ocean in an effort to explore the wide-open spaces of the world. Boating is now more of a pastime than a necessity, although many of the old nautical traditions still exist. One of the most enduring traditions of the sea is the concept of naming a vessel. Boats are historically named […]

First step for building the Andante

On December 5, 2011, in Glen-L Styles, by Rodolfo Gutierrez

Super Spartan Build by Roberta Part 2

On November 30, 2011, in News From Gayle, Outboard Powered, by Gayle Brantuk

We’ll continue to follow Roberta’s progress on her Super Spartan build as posted on our Forum. If you’d like to read the first blog post, you can read it here. Thursday, November 17, 2011 This morning I installed the floor battens, the next step in the order of business. I struggled a bit trying to […]

Australian Barrelback-19 build

On November 21, 2011, in Glen-L Styles, Inboard Powered, by Justin Schooneman

Welcome to my blog, It’s a little piece of the web where I’ll be documenting the build progress of a Ken Hankinson designed Barrelback-19, built using the cold-molded plywood method. Apparently it will possibly be the first Hankinson Barrelback-19 built in Australia. Now the pressure is on …………….. To quote from the Glen-L site where […]