News From Gayle

Is the Planking Attached to the Frames?

On January 26, 2011, in News From Gayle, Plywood Construction, by Gayle Brantuk

A builder emailed today asking if the side planking for the Outrage is attached to the frames. The Outrage is a 16′ deep vee ski boat and is built using sheet plywood construction. My father wrote an article on the subject of fastening planking to frames and includes a great history lesson about the evolution of plywood boat construction. […]

Wooden Boat Interview: Double Eagle

On January 20, 2011, in News From Gayle, Stitch and Glue Construction, Videos, Workboats, by Gayle Brantuk

  Ken Schott first launched his almost completed Double Eagle a 25 foot wooden fishing boat at the very first Gathering of Boatbuilders at Lake Guntersville in Alabama. What an exciting event that was! Ken beamed from ear to ear with pride in the boat he built himself. What an awesome accomplishment and how great to launch […]

We Celebrate Darla’s 30 Years at Glen-L

On January 14, 2011, in News From Gayle, by Gayle Brantuk

Today is the 30 year anniversary that our Office Manager, Darla Schooler, began working at Glen-L Marine. She started with us back in 1981 when she still had her two daughters at home and before grandchildren, soccer games and a second home in Arizona. Darla on phone sometime in the 80’s You can imagine how […]

New Tugboat Design

On January 11, 2011, in Inboard Powered, News From Gayle, Stitch and Glue Construction, by Gayle Brantuk

One of the most popular designs here at Glen-L is our Tubby Tug which is a 9 foot stitch and glue tugboat. This boat was designed with kids in mind, but it’s popular with all ages of “kids”! Pug shown with cabin and ETM power version Now we’re pleased to announce a brand spanking new […]

New Year Goals, Not Resolutions

On December 30, 2010, in News From Gayle, by Gayle Brantuk

Resolutions seem more temporary and flippant, where goals sound more serious like something you might actually do. The past few years I’ve made it a habit to set some goals for the new year each December. There was a time when I wouldn’t do that because I tend to be hard on myself and found it difficult […]