Plywood Construction

Why Use Cartridges?

On November 8, 2013, in News From Gayle, Plywood Construction, Shop Talk: Tips and Techniques, by Gayle Brantuk

(This article is reprinted with permission from the System Three Blog) The most common errors using two-part resin systems packaged in cans or bottles involve measuring and mixing mistakes.  Over the years we’ve seen just about every conceivable way to make these errors.  These include everything from forgetting to include either the resin or hardener […]

One Man’s Fir Is Another Man’s Pseudotsuga


We have tried to be very diligent, re-spelling Douglas fir to Douglas-fir wherever we have found it. Douglas-fir is properly hyphenated because it is not, in fact, a fir. It is a pseudotsuga, or false hemlock (tsuga). Botanists take names very seriously, which allows botanists all over the world to speak the same language. The common names […]

Building the Glen-L Yukon by Wayne Milner


Building the Glen-L Yukon by Wayne Milner Editor’s Note: This project, undertaken by a Nova Scotia backyard builder, shows what can be done with a little cash, lots of ambition, and a good-sized backyard. I got past the armchair-to-workshop barrier a long time ago. The Yukon project is my fifth backyard-built boat. After the first one, […]

Boatbuilding Myths and Mis-Information

On September 20, 2013, in Builder Blogs, Designer Articles, Glen-L Styles, Plywood Construction, WebLetters, by Glen L. Witt

Marine plywood is more rot resistant than regular exterior plywood. False. The difference is primarily in the quality of the inner veneers. Marine plywood does not contain the voids that always exist in exterior grade plywood. Cheap plywood can be made into marine grade by coating with epoxy. False. The difference between exterior grades and marine grade […]

Tom Saccio’s Flats Flyer

On July 29, 2013, in Builder Blogs, Glen-L Styles, Outboard Powered, Plywood Construction, by Tom Saccio

I’ve just started Building my Flat’s Flyer. These are the first pictures. In the background is my Seaplane which I also built. The brown paper has the drawings for Frame number 3.