Miss Chris Design

7 Responses to Miss Chris Design

  1. Thank you for sharing your beautiful project. Can you please tell about the engine HP, gear ration and propeller size/dimentions?

  2. HighHopes says:

    wow… i’m blown away by your skill. glad to see you took the time with the details. i read that this boat cost $40K and 12000 hours, i was curious what % of the cost and time was just the inboard?

    • Steven Gould says:

      Thanks for the note. The engine alone was about $8K and then all the assorted things like a shaft, custom mounts, custome exhaust tips, etc. I guess that about $10 all together. Actually my out of pocket costs were about $60K. Now if I can sell it I can move on to another project!

      • David Burn says:

        Hi Steven,
        Dave Burn from Australia here.
        Ou5t of curiosity abou thow many hours did it take to build miss Chris? I’d love to do one myself.

      • david Burn says:

        Hi Steven,
        Dave Burn from Australia here.
        Ou5t of curiosity abou thow many hours did it take to build miss Chris? I’d love to do one myself. I’m having trouble with this captcha system sorry if you have this question more than once

  3. Chris says:

    Awesome craft and beautifully done, sir. The Miss Chris is a future venture for me as I would like to produce one as close to the 1929 Chris Craft as possible. I grew up riding in one and staring at a second one awaiting restoration in a barn. Bob Clayton of Conesus, NY bought my childhood craft from my father in the early 1990’s and I have not seen “Screwed Together” since. I am awaiting my workshop to be built and then it is a project-go. If you have any points of advice/lessons learned based on the build rather than instructions, please e-mail them to bullrodman80@gmail.com. The hind-sight of others serves me as foresight. 🙂 Thank you sir and again, Bagheera is a beauty!

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