With the beautiful weather this week in upstate NY I put a final coat of varnish on the deck, a final coat of paint on the side decks, set my old Johnson 25 on the transom to lighten the tongue weight and installed the seats and console cover.
We’ve been following Roberta Hegy as she builds her second boat, the Super Spartan 10′ hydroplane. Her first boat was the Zip and we are so excited to have her on video telling about her beautiful boat in today’s interview. Just as Roberta has provided great detail on her Super Spartan build, she was just as […]
Kenneth Thomas built the Glen-L Sherwood Queen in his spare time and in spite of very serious health issues. This is another interview that was filmed at the 2011 Gathering of Boatbuilders in Tennessee. There is such a neat story behind how Kenneth and his wife Margaret came to our Gathering. As mentioned, Kenneth had […]
People who build their own boats are crazy. Not “certifiably insane” crazy like they have invisible friends they talk to, But crazy nonetheless. Are YOU one of these people? Keep reading below and find out… You know there are people out there that think you’re nuts, right? They think you have nothing better to do […]
For centuries, mankind has braved the ocean in an effort to explore the wide-open spaces of the world. Boating is now more of a pastime than a necessity, although many of the old nautical traditions still exist. One of the most enduring traditions of the sea is the concept of naming a vessel. Boats are historically named […]