
Malahini Runabout by Bob Brandenstein

On February 15, 2013, in News From Gayle, Outboard Powered, Videos, by Gayle Brantuk

Bob brought his Malahini to the 2012 (G6) Gathering of Boatbuilders and it was really a hit. This was Bob and his wife’s first time at our event and we really enjoyed getting to know them. Ted Gauthier interviews Bob today and once again did a great job. When I rode in Bob’s boat, I […]

The Joy of Building a Boat with Your Daughter

On February 8, 2013, in News From Gayle, Videos, by Gayle Brantuk

Bill Shaw is no stranger Glen-L. He’s been to all but one of our annual Gathering of Boatbuilders and is a Moderator on the Glen-L Boatbuilder Forum. And, he has built a 16′ Malahini classic outboard runabout which is the big brother to our Ski Tow runabout. Even more important is that his daughter Lily helped him […]

Why A Man Builds a Boat

On January 25, 2013, in News From Gayle, by Gayle Brantuk

by Julie George, 2012 (for Don Fischer and Tom George) What urge rises up from the depths of his soul, to spur a sane man into building a boat? A design made of wood to float on the big lake, no toy for the mantle over which he might gloat.   It could be his […]

Zip Builder – Ted Gauthier

On December 20, 2012, in News From Gayle, Videos, by Gayle Brantuk

I’m so excited to share with you the first of many great videos from the September Gathering of Boatbuilders in Tennessee (G6) thanks to Chris Dixon of Vineyard Productions. Today, I interview Ted Gauthier who built a Zip from Glen-L full size plans and patterns. The Zip is a 14′-4″ outboard runabout designed for plywood […]

Modified Harbormaster Build a Success

On November 12, 2012, in Builder Blogs, Strip Planked Construction, by Cliff

HARBORMASTER My objective was to create a boat ideal for cruising in protected waters on a sunny Sunday afternoon, reminiscent of the Thames River launches of the early 1900’s. I wanted an efficient displacement hull with round bilge and tumblehome topsides aft, resulting in the look of a traditional power launch. In April, 2008 I […]