
Shop Talk: Get Clean Cuts in Plywood


Plywood is a strong building material because of the way it’s manufactured. Layers of wood are laminated together to create a great product that can be used for a wide variety of projects; it is especially well-suited to boatbuilding. Of course, because it’s composed of very thin layers with their grain crossing each other perpendicularly, it can […]

Build your own boat?! Are you crazy?!!!

On December 12, 2011, in Glen-L Styles, WebLetters, Why Build Your Own Boat?, by John B

People who build their own boats are crazy. Not “certifiably insane” crazy like they have invisible friends they talk to, But crazy nonetheless.   Are YOU one of these people? Keep reading below and find out…   You know there are people out there that think you’re nuts, right? They think you have nothing better to do […]

Glen-L Boatbuilder Enjoys “Aqua Therapy”


Note: This article first appeared in “The Commoner”, the official publication of Canda’s House of Commons. At The Commoner, we love to share stories that showcase what our colleagues do in their spare time — which is why we are thrilled to share this story about the unique hobby of House of Commons Master Cabinetmaker and […]

2011 Gathering of Boat Builders

On September 23, 2011, in News From Gayle, by Gayle Brantuk

  Last weekend John and I, along with our friends Richard and Karen, left California for our favorite event of the year, the Gathering of Boatbuilders at Nickajack Lake in Tennessee. This is the fifth year the Gathering (veterans call it “G5”) has been held and each time we walk away even more amazed. This […]

Building a boat (Zip) – in retrospect – and other loose items

On August 25, 2011, in Glen-L Styles, Outboard Powered, by Whistler

The following piece of reading was originally posted in the “small outboards” section in the forum. I’ve done some editing and some additions during the process of publishing it in this ‘blog’. Additions and edits are in italic. Why are people building their own boats? If you build a no-frills 14-16-18 footer with an outboard […]