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Zip Builder – Ted Gauthier

On December 20, 2012, in News From Gayle, Videos, by Gayle Brantuk

I’m so excited to share with you the first of many great videos from the September Gathering of Boatbuilders in Tennessee (G6) thanks to Chris Dixon of Vineyard Productions.

Today, I interview Ted Gauthier who built a Zip from Glen-L full size plans and patterns. The Zip is a 14′-4″ outboard runabout designed for plywood construction.

You may remember Ted from other interviews he’s done on our site and in the favorites section of our YouTube channel. He’s also the interviewer in a few upcoming videos and is quite good at it. I think I’d prefer for you folks to interview each other because I get so tongue-tied around all the beautiful boats and people!

Today’s interview showcases Ted’s beautiful Zip, his background, the wood he used, fastenings, glue and other materials and information about his build. You can also see lots of construction photos that Ted has uploaded in his Gallery here. Enjoy and let us know what you think by leaving a comment…



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