(We thought you’d enjoy this neat story emailed to us by a Glen-L boatbuilder –Gayle)

Don Ruffa built the Missile test model in our shop and was known for pushing the limits of our designs!
Hi Gayle;
My name is Terry Dobson. I live in the Wichita area. Here’s a piece of history for you. In 1963 I ordered a set of plans for the “MISSILE”.
I made a deal with my parents to use one side of their 3 car garage for my boat building project. After a full year of part time building my parents gave me a friendly ultimatum of “get it finished soon or find another place to work on it”.
I spent my vacation finishing the hull and deck and moved it to my apartment carport. I painted it and installed the engine and built a trailer with a friend who had another brand of “drag boat”. The first year I sat on floatation cushions until I got the balance correct (I had stretched it to 17-‘ 2″ and had the engine on sliding rails). Then after we got it right, I built seats and did the upholstery. Their are many other details to this story but my point in telling you this is, the whole adventure led me to a short career in the local boat building business. Although I built fiberglass boats and had a good business for about 10 years. I sold the business to another builder in Oklahoma. I had 4 different sizes and styles of inboards and 1 outboard. My experience in building the missile was invaluable in creating the “PLUGS” for the new designs. I do credit any success of my business and designs partly to the Missile and Glen-I
Thanks for just being there..
Here’ s wishing you continued success Terry
PS, I do enjoy the newsletter , keep it coming!!!
One Response to Glen-L Missile Story from a Boat Builder
My dad (in South Africa) have built a Missile marine plywood boat in the seventies.He ordered the plans from Glen L.