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I’d say some major bragging is in order for Craig Smith, builder of the Glen-L Gentry aptly name “ATTITUDE“. Not only did Craig build a beautiful boat, but also had her featured on the COVER of Classic Boating magazine. Pretty impressive.


Craig says that the editor of Classic Boating saw his boat that was entered in the Lake Geneva Boat Show this past September. The editor apparently contacted Craig and his wife, Vivi about taking some photos of the boat so they set up a time.

They met on the lake early one morning and he took photos of Craig’s boat as they buzzed about 10 feet from the transom of his. And, they got some beautiful photos.


Not only is ATTITUDE on the cover of the magazine front and center, but has a full page spread “centerfold” and then 8 more pages of story and photos. Craig wrote a great story and I’d highly recommend that you subscribe to Classic Boating magazine and pick up a copy of the current March/April 2015 issue.


You may think that Craig was a master boat builder by the looks of his boat. But in reality, he had never attempted building something like a boat before. He says in the article that he had restored a couple of old jeeps and a 1954 Chevy pickup, but that’s it.

The point is obvious. Anyone with a desire and determination can build their own boat… with Glen-L boat plans of course! For details on the Gentry, see the Glen-L website.

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