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My name is Sean Purcell from Melbourne Australia. I have built the 12’1 Glen-L Bullet. I’m 45, a carpenter, and I’ve always wanted to build a boat, it was the perfect therapy to get me through my divorce, something to keep my mind occupied, and very satisfying. image
I built this boat in the carport, the form supported by star pickets, and the area enclosed with tarps when I needed, for glass and paint. imageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimage


The timber, mahogany swietena, was sourced from a furniture timber yard, and was bought raw and I machined it myself. It was screwed with brass screws, and was pinstriped under the glass to give a planked effect. The motor is a 1995 49hp force, and the trailer is an old 14 footer I refurbished. The build went for about 18 months, and the cost was about $4200 + motor and trailer. Photos and comments from other posts were also so much help. (Matt Heaney NZ). I completed it late 2012. My three kids got involved as much as possible, and now we have so much fun with it. It turns heads everywhere it goes.
I miss working on the boat, and would like to do it again, but I just can’t own anymore boats (4), and I can’t bring myself to sell.
Thanks Glen L.

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3 Responses to Glen l bullet by Sean Purcell Melbourne Australia

  1. Sean–thank you so much for posting about your beautiful Bullet. Congratulations on a boat well built!

  2. Dan Hennis says:

    That is a beautiful boat. What weight of glass did you use on the deck? I would like to make one on these one day…

    • sean purcell says:

      Hey Dan
      I used 175g all the way around. You can see the mat when you look closely on the deck.

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