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Boats in the Water at G5

On February 2, 2012, in Videos, by Gayle Brantuk

One of the very best parts of our annual Gathering of Boatbuilders is the privilege of riding in many different Glen-L boats!  Seeing a video of them in the water may not be quite as fun, but I hope you enjoy it! This year, we added boat names so you’ll know which design you’re looking at. Here’s a link to the boats featured:

Double Eagle – 23′ Trailerable Lobster Boat –the boat in the video does not have a cabin as designed

Glen-L 14 – 14′ Sailing Sloop

Hot Rod – 17′ Inboard Ski Boat

Malahini – Classic 16′ Outboard Runabout

Monaco – 19′ Classic Inboard MahoganyRunabout

Nomad – 18′ Day Cruiser

Riviera – 20′ Classic Inboard Mahogany Runabout

Sea Knight – 17′ Cruiser (one shown without cabin)

Sherwood Queen – 15′ Mini Tug

Squirt – 10′ Outboard Runabout

Tahoe – 19′ – 24′ Classic Double & Triple cockpit Inboard Runabouts

Tornado – 18′ Inboard Ski Boat

True Grit – 25′ Trailerable Sportfish Utility Cruiser

Tubby Tug – 9′ Mini Tug

Whitehall – 17′ Traditional Rowing Craft

Zip – 14′ Classic Style Outboard Runabout

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Your Thoughts?

2 Responses to Boats in the Water at G5

  1. Bill Hodgdon says:

    Great pictures! Great idea adding the labels….however, sometimes they cover the boats. I would suggest next time either eliminating the transparent blue banner and using just the letters, or moving the labels to the top of the picture where they wouldn’t cover the boats we are admiring! Best wishes,


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