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How many times when you’re out boating have you thought, “gee, I wish I had a way to shoot a stream of water at other boaters?” Come on, fess up, you know you want to. Even you fancy runabout guys dream of an endless supply of water you can aim at  unsuspecting boaters who think your new boat is a refurbished classic.

Well, maybe I’m being a bit silly, but we have noticed this among builders of some of our kid-sized boats like the Tubby Tug.  Many have developed their own type of Water Cannon for the kids to play with on the water. Well, now we’ve done the work for you!

Our Water Cannon plans provide full size patterns as well as dimensions for each part. The cannon gets its water from a thru-hull connected to a water pump to provide an endless supply of water fun! This is a project that should utilize the scrap material you have hanging around that’s too good to toss.

See our Online Catalog for more information on the new Water Cannon and build your own this weekend!








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