This is part two of Ed’s building of the Glen-L Goliath, an 18 foot tug cruiser which he is building in aluminum. Boat plans and patterns for this design are available from Glen-L Marine in our online catalog. You can read Part 1 of Ed’s blog on our site.
Hurricane “Dorian”, has passed. The eye was 80 miles off the coast and stretched from Cape Canaveral to Daytona Beach. If you don’t know hurricanes; That put the coastal cities on the west/southwest side of the storm where the winds are lower. They are the feeder bands giving strength to the storm. The highest winds are on the north/northeast side of the storm eye.
Time has flown it’s now Oct 20.
The build continues, slowly. But before going on to what is new I still have to get up to about last March. So into the “way back machine” and zzaapp!!
Were in the past.
I left off with pics of making a bulkhead for the motor well. I put a full bulkhead across frame one. Then the two side walls to complete the well. Frame one will also serve as the motor mount. I’ll need to put wood on both sides to mount the outboard.
Going back a little further… Once the hull was righted, the building support frames are removed and the final cross frames for each frame are installed.

The frames have to be leveled in their new locations. I used a laser light to mark the side frames, clamped the new thwart frame, then welded. After getting a couple of frames in, I moved the welder and gas into the boat for better control.

The rest had to be assembled on the side.

I used the ply to show how the windows will fit. There are two windows on each side.

I guess this has to be a wrap up for now. In the next I’ll show the rail caps and the back porch.
So, Stay tuned for the next exciting adventure of the intrepid welder.
2 Responses to Building A Goliath By Ed Davis PT2
Thanks Ray. I new friend from Miami area has been in touch. Want’s to stop by.
I like the interest, Hope people really like what I’ve done.
Looking great Ed!