Plywood Construction

A $10 – 10 Minute Steam Box


A $10 – 10 Minute Steam Box by Jack Dice, Stonington, Maine I needed to bend some wood the other day. I was installing new gunwhales and inwales on a fiberglass skiff (an old “Plastic Pete’s”) that was molded with a rounded bow as many of those fiberglass skiffs are. The original wood had rotted […]

First Splash(?) Italy 1938


These photos were made from already developed negatives found in a thrift store in Virginia in 2013. The photos appear to be taken in and around Naples, Italy in the Spring of 1938. About 400 negatives were found, but I thought these two would likely resonate with our Glen-L boatbuilder family. And no, I don’t […]

Tahoe 19 by Marshall Lovein , Macon, Georgia


I first suggest starting any boat project before the age of 69. It was a great deal of fun and will give me a large amount of pleasure. The first suggestion I have is to disregard stapling through waxed cardboard or wooden ply squares. Go to your local lumber yard and ask if you can […]

Brand new Belle Isle


Hi All, I finished my Belle Isle in Feb 2014. What a great boat. I get so many people looking and asking questions. Thanks Glen-L. I have uploaded some pictures in my gallery Belle Isle by Dean Berry, Phoenix, Arizona. My next project is a 1956 Hydroplane by Ron Jones Sr. I will get some […]

A Perth Riviera #12 (and final) – April 2014


With the boat completed and ready to be launched, all that remained was a long and frustrating wait for a trailer to be completed.  And long and frustrating it was.  But all things (good and bad) come to an end and so finally dawned the day when then trailer was to arrive and the boat […]