Shop Talk: Tips and Techniques

More On Getting Started Building Boats

On August 8, 2014, in Shop Talk: Tips and Techniques, by Gayle Brantuk

(Submitted by a Glen-L Newsletter Subscriber): I enjoyed your last newsletter about the ‘getting started in building boats…’ A couple of thoughts you might consider going forward… One of the most important tools I’ve found is making a model before the actual build… The model doesn’t have to be anything elaborate – I just use cheap cardboard and […]

Overcoming Confusion


I’ve been reading the latest issue of Gayle’s “Build Your Dream Boat” series this morning and remembered how I overcame my confusion when looking into the plans of my first boat, (sorry to say, not a Glen-L plan) but all the same a good way to overcome those moments of confusion when you start to think you […]

A $10 – 10 Minute Steam Box


A $10 – 10 Minute Steam Box by Jack Dice, Stonington, Maine I needed to bend some wood the other day. I was installing new gunwhales and inwales on a fiberglass skiff (an old “Plastic Pete’s”) that was molded with a rounded bow as many of those fiberglass skiffs are. The original wood had rotted […]

How to Build a Portable Outboard Motor Stand

On April 15, 2014, in Glen-L Styles, Shop Talk: Tips and Techniques, by Michael Maddox

When I recently bought an outboard motor, I needed a stand to keep it on while I finish building my Glen-L boat. I found a few good tutorials online for building your own stand. However, I wanted my stand to have the same 12 degree transom angle that is common to many Glen-L outboard boat […]

Latex Paint for Boats???


Latex Paint for Boats by Dave Carnell When I bought my first yacht (27′ auxiliary sloop) for $300 in 1951 I quickly learned that if it’s for a boat, the same material costs several times as much as if it is for your house. Oakum was $1/lb. at the marine supply store compared to five […]