If you’ve been following our blog, you most likely watched the interview of Ray Macke who built the True Grit which is a 25 foot Sportfish Utility Cruiser extended to 27′. If you missed it, you can watch it here.
Ray and his wife have logged about 60 hours on their boat and spent 9 nights aboard and are truly enjoying their boat! We look forward to seeing Ray and Vicky and their True Grit at the Gathering this weekend in Tennessee. If you want to see some Glen-L boats in person, be sure and join us–info is on our website.
The beautiful thing about building your own boat is that you can tweak it as you need. Ray has made some recent changes and detailed them in the fascinating and entertaining article below…
I met Rory Hamilton and his wife Kristen at the 2010 Gathering in Tennessee. This was their first time at the Gathering and Rory’s excitment about building a Sea Knight was truly inspiring. You see, Rory has some very special memories of his grandpa’s Sea Knight. It’s those kind of memories that motivate many to […]
I’ve always thought the Bo-Jest was such a neat looking boat. This is truly the type of boat you don’t see everywhere and can rightly be called a “Character boat”. It’s certainly not something you can just buy at a local boat shop! Today’s video is of Tom Smitherman’s boat taken at last years […]