Build Your Dream Boat #22
You’ve probably noticed that Glen-L provides a whole lot of free information on our website. We literally have thousands of pages online–we discovered that when we were looking for a new hosting company a while back! So, in that same spirit of giving, we have done some free Teleseminars.
So far we have had six Teleseminars. These are seminars offered by telephone or online. The first was an interview of Tahoe 19 builder Bill Edmundson. Bill discussed blow-by-blow the building of his beautiful Cold Molded mahogany runabout.
The second Teleseminar was done by yours truly and was an introduction to building a boat titled “8 Steps to Build the Boat of Your Dreams”, the third was done by Carl Puehl called “How to Wire Your Boat and Install a Hydraulic Steering System”, the fourth was “Building the Glen-L Outrage” with John Wilmot. John used a slide presentation and walked us step-by-step through the building of his 16′ Outrage which is the fourth Glen-L boat he’s built.
The fifth was with Kern Hendricks who is the owner of System Three Resins. He sure had a tremendous amount of information about using epoxy as well as painting. Since Kern is a Chemical Engineer, he really got into the mechanical details of resins and their application. The sixth interview was with Garry Stout who built the Monaco. He went into detail on engine and transmission installation.
We will continue to offer these Teleseminars from time to time. We’ve had some great feedback so far and we’ve set up a page for the replays. We also have some CD’s available of them if you’d prefer to listen in your car or somewhere beside in front of your computer.
When Carl did his seminar on wiring and steering, he provided quite a few resources that took him many, many hours to find. Carl tells me that he wanted top quality products at a good price and below are the books and suppliers he came up with.
However, we’ve recently added Electrical Design plans that can be used on any of our designs or any other boat for that matter. They are based on the size of the design and the type of boat and are very reasonably priced. You’ll find details on our site here.
Wiring Resources
Boatowner’s Illustrated Handbook of Wiring by Charlie Wing
Marine Electrical & Electronic Bible by John C. Payne
Boatowner’s Mechanical and Electrical Manual by Nigel Calder
Wire & Accessories
Ancor Products – has a host of products and some of the ABYC standards.
McMaster Carr – a great source for marine items including connector supplies and SS railings and hinges.
Blue Sea Systems – Automatic Charge Relay, switches, distribution panels, etc.
Alpenglow Lights – Nice looking lights with mahogany trim, very energy efficient.
Aqua Signal – West Marine stores carry this line of lighting.
Vetus – Hydraulic steering, no feedback piston pump
Federal Regulations
United States Coast Guard – This website has a listing of Federal Regulations. Section 183 pertains to wiring and here is a direct link to the government site.
Wynne Enterprises Inc – Custom windows
Glen-L Word of the Week: DISPLACEMENT HULL |
A hull that will not exceed a fixed speed which increases with the length of the hull. You can determine the speed in knots by multiplying the square root of the waterline length by 1.34. Additional power will only allow a hull to maintain hull speed against a head wind or under load.
I hope this helps lead you closer to building the boat of your dreams. Until next time, build more boats… Glen-L boats that is!

Gayle Brantuk
Glen-L marine designs has been serving the amateur boat builder since 1953 and the business resides in beautiful San Clemente, California. My name is Gayle Brantuk and I'm the daughter of Glen L. Witt and run our family business.