I need your help! One of the most asked questions here at Glen-L is “how much does it cost to build the (enter boat name)?”
We’ve never been big on giving folks prices to build our boats because the cost of materials varies so much depending on your location and since we sell our plans all over the world, that can be a considerable difference. However, we are very aware that cost is a major factor for many building a boat, especially in our current economy.
It’s true that many save 40% to 50% if they build their own boat and we provide a bill of materials online for all of our designs so that you can estimate costs. But it would be really nice if we could add an approximate cost to build each design to our website. That’s where you come in…
If you’ve built a Glen-L boat, could you just shoot me a quick email and let me know the name of the boat and what it cost you to build it. Specify if you are including the motor in that cost or not and any other information you think might help potential builders. If you have an estimate of the time it took you, that would be great too.
I think that would be a nice addition to the Glen-L online catalog and would help our fellow builders. Thank you for doing this for us… we sure appreciate it. We’ll be adding your figures to our Cost & Time to Build listing as we get them, so be sure an bookmark the page so you can come back to it frequently.
Glen-L Word of the Week:FLOOR TIMBER