
New Tugboat Design

On January 11, 2011, in Inboard Powered, News From Gayle, Stitch and Glue Construction, by Gayle Brantuk

One of the most popular designs here at Glen-L is our Tubby Tug which is a 9 foot stitch and glue tugboat. This boat was designed with kids in mind, but it’s popular with all ages of “kids”! Pug shown with cabin and ETM power version Now we’re pleased to announce a brand spanking new […]

Build Your Dream Boat #23

On August 3, 2010, in Build Your Dream Boat Series, News From Gayle, by Gayle Brantuk

I need your help! One of the most asked questions here at Glen-L is “how much does it cost to build the (enter boat name)?” We’ve never been big on giving folks prices to build our boats because the cost of materials varies so much depending on your location and since we sell our plans […]

Build Your Dream Boat #6

On July 15, 2010, in Build Your Dream Boat Series, News From Gayle, by Gayle Brantuk

We thought it would be helpful to provide you with some of our most frequently asked questions about building a boat as they may be on your mind as well: How long does it take to build a boat? Of course, this depends on the type of boat as well as the skills of the […]

Build Your Dream Boat #4

On July 15, 2010, in Build Your Dream Boat Series, News From Gayle, by Gayle Brantuk

It’s a sunny afternoon and the lake is smooth like glass as you launch your boat. As she slides gently, quietly into the water, you jump in and start up the motor. The rumble and roar of the powerful engine makes your heart jump. Imagine all that power at your fingertips. You back her out, […]