Cold Molded Construction

New Riviera Project!

On June 30, 2015, in Builder Blogs, Cold Molded Construction, by dp3aia

As my wife calls it whenever I venture out to the shop to start a new furniture project, I’m going to start “sawing wood” for a new Riviera! This is something I have wanted to do for a very long time. I will be an active participant on this site, and hope to learn answers […]

Gentry “Cover Girl”

On March 13, 2015, in Cold Molded Construction, Glen-L Styles, Inboard Powered, by Gayle Brantuk

  I’d say some major bragging is in order for Craig Smith, builder of the Glen-L Gentry aptly name “ATTITUDE“. Not only did Craig build a beautiful boat, but also had her featured on the COVER of Classic Boating magazine. Pretty impressive. Craig says that the editor of Classic Boating saw his boat that was […]

Electric Powered Barrelback

On November 21, 2014, in Cold Molded Construction, Electric Powered, Inboard Powered, by Gayle Brantuk

It’s quite something when someone takes one of our designs and not only builds a beautiful boat, but a wonderfully innovative one as well.     Steven Shovoly of Edison Marine has produced an amazing version of our 19′ Barrelback design using twin Electric motors for power. Bob Fagliano and “The Core IV, Inc” installed all […]

A $10 – 10 Minute Steam Box


A $10 – 10 Minute Steam Box by Jack Dice, Stonington, Maine I needed to bend some wood the other day. I was installing new gunwhales and inwales on a fiberglass skiff (an old “Plastic Pete’s”) that was molded with a rounded bow as many of those fiberglass skiffs are. The original wood had rotted […]

Tahoe 19 by Marshall Lovein , Macon, Georgia


I first suggest starting any boat project before the age of 69. It was a great deal of fun and will give me a large amount of pleasure. The first suggestion I have is to disregard stapling through waxed cardboard or wooden ply squares. Go to your local lumber yard and ask if you can […]