Plywood Construction

Power Row Skiff 13′.5

On August 17, 2016, in Builder Blogs, Plywood Construction, by HearnJP

The 13.5′ Power Row Skiff was my first boat build. The plans were given to me as a gift a few years ago and I finally got around to starting. At first glance at the plans I  was wondering “where are the missing sheets” but after studying them and going through the process I figured […]

Bill and Linda’s Glen-L Squirt, Part 2

On June 3, 2016, in Builder Blogs, Outboard Powered, Plywood Construction, by BillW2

When we wrote part 1 about our Glen-L Squirt, we didn’t know there would be a part 2. But here is a follow-up to the December 2015 piece about our Glen-L Squirt. This time we have a performance report and some in-the-water pictures. In keeping with the 1950’s classic boat theme, we really needed a picture […]

Building a Glen-L 15 in Portugal – Blog

On May 9, 2016, in Glen-L Styles, Plywood Construction, Sailboats, by PedroGRocha

Two years ago I started the construction of a Glen-L 15. I have a blog with a lot of pictures. Sorry is in Portuguese You are welcome to visit… (Editor’s note: when we went to his blog, there’s a box that pops up and you can translate the page into your own language)

My Bo-Jest Project after 6 months


Started building my Bo-Jest boat in January 2015. I work on it 2 to 3 hours a day about  3 or 4 days a week. I am currently fairing the bottom and preparing for my final coat of epoxy resin and paint. I was going to use a Yanmar SB8 diesel inboard engine but I found […]